Edouard Levêque founded Leved in 2004 to develop the Nosten® system.
This system was created to restrain tracheal lesions. These pathologies are generally caused by overinflation of the cuff of intubation probes and endotracheal tubes. Besides, this system avoids the cuff underinflation and helps to reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).
Edouard Levêque benefits from an initial study carried out by Prof. Alexandre Duguet (CHU Pitié-Salpetriêre) which shows that Nosten® eliminates excess air pressure in the cuff of intubation probes and endotracheal tubes. This study also indicates that the use of the manometer alone provides an adapted pressure only 55% of the ventilation time.
Over the following years, the indications for Nosten® became more diversified with the work of Prof. N’Seir (CHU Lille), which showed the beneficial impact of Nosten® on ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). The system also eliminates cuff underinflation, a cause of micro-aspiration.
Prof. Stéphane Dauget (CHU Robert Debré) confirmed in his study that the correction time required by the Nosten® system is 1/10th of a second, thus explaining the absence of periods of overinflation and underinflation of the cuff.
The studies mentioned above, as well as those carried out in the other Adult and Pediatric Departments of French University Hospitals can be consulted on this site.
Edouard Levêque
Leved Company C.E.O
Nosten®: from design to production
1999 - 1st Nosten® prototype
Validation of the principle that a mass sliding on an swingarm exerts a variable pressure.
2000 - 2nd Nosten® prototype
Validation of the principle of the contact point between the swingarm and the Soufflet® by a spherical shape.
2002 - 3rd Nosten® prototype
The half-sphere fully attached to the swingarm. The sliding mass is operational.
2004 - 4th prototype
The shape of Nosten® is defined. However, the material (PVC) is fragile.
2005 - 1st industrial production of Nosten®.
The set is made of aluminum and stainless steel.
2016 - Launch of Nosten2®
Design of a new version of Nosten® more ergonomic and in line with the reinforced hospitals sanitary requirements.
2020 - Optimization of pressures selection for pediatrics
Reduction of pressures in order to expand indications for use of Nosten2® in pediatric ICU.