In contrast to the trend of the late 1990s, Leved marketed a simple and robust material with a high level of reliability. It was really visionary regarding the early 2020s.
The Nosten® system has been designed in1999 in order to comply to the high standards of sustainability, both in the manufacture of products and the environmental impact.
The Nosten® system is free of electronics, electricity, rare metals. Moreover, it can be easily recycled.
Futhermore, the production is located in France for 99% of the components.
The machine and the disposable products are even manufactured locally, in Montreuil (Seine-Saint Denis), the injection in Tremblay-en-France (Val d’Oise) and the packaging in Balagny-sur-Thérain (Oise). The tubing is made at Le Bousquet d’Orb (Herald). Only the connection is provided by Italy.
Sobriety, efficiency, sustainability, accessibility, easy to handle and locally produced : Nosten® features fit perfectly into the definition of low-tech.
Nosten® is the only system that regulates the pressure of the balloons in 1/10th of a second
Low-pressure regulator for intubation probes and endotracheal tubes
The efficiency of Nosten® is unique. Clinical studies clearly demonstrate uncomparable results in the fight against ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).
Products Instructions for useStudies
Users’ testimonies
“The Nosten2® device allows continuous pneumatic control of the pressure of the cuff at the various intra-tracheal interfaces during mechanical ventilation (intubation tube, tracheotomy cannula) and therefore effectively limits the phenomena of overpressure (risk of traumatic lesions of the mucous membrane) or underpressure (risk of micro-inhalation sources of acquired pneumopathy related to care) of the intra-tracheal cuff. It is simple to use and facilitates the multi-day monitoring of cuff pressure by paramedical teams. The Nosten2® device should therefore enhance the quality and safety of care of the mechanically ventilated resuscitation patient.’’
Dr. Christophe Girault
Medical resuscitation CHU Charles Nicolle - Rouen (76) France ICU equipped with Nosten® system since 2008
“The Nosten® system, in both its first and second generation, was all the more impressive in our department from the outset because, in addition to its effectiveness in preventing VAP, it was easy to use, undeniably robust and, at a time when societal constraints appear to be stronger than ever, modestly priced and sustainable, in the context of local development. “
Prof. François Blot
Institut Gustave Roussy - Villejuif (94) France ICU equipped with Nosten® system since 2006
“We used your Nosten® in a ventilated patient over 18 months on a Blue line tracheostomy cannula with a glottic aspirator changed monthly. Our patient’s trachea remained impeccable macroscopically.”
Dr Annabelle Stoclin
Institut Gustave Roussy Villejuif (94) - France ICU equipped with the Nosten® system since 2006
“If I had to be ventilated, I would ask for a Nosten®.’’
Dr. Nicolas Engrand
Neurosurgical ICU Rothschild Foundation - Paris (75) France ICU equipped with Nosten® system since 2005
“You are writing a beautiful story that improves the condition of people on earth, so you have my full support.”
Prof. Jean Bergounioux
CHU Raymond Poincaré Garches (92) France ICU equipped with Nosten® system since 2014